Back to Work is official now in the UK - Grab this opportunity to be a better leader and enrich your company culture...
from one of "Fear to Speak up" to "employee voices count"
from "the boss is always right" to "other ideas count"
from "Leaders locked in exec meetings" to "Engaging with front line employees"
A simple tactic for a leader that we have employed is to take 2 hours, walk a front line office floor and go and sit with each employee at their desk for 10 minutes each.
I ask them to "Show me what they are working on on their screen", "Ways we could improve our systems" and "What would they Wish we could change"
Very simple, really informative for me as a leader and my interest shows concretely that the leadership teams do listen and care.
and with it the culture is enriched
TRY IT .... everyone will learn alot!